Falling from grace...

"'...{she} beckoned to me through a window of Martha Schneider's gallery on West Superior, Chicago. 
 I was drawn to respond to her, ... to 'Figs' invitation - I knew nothing as of yet of Lydia Panas....

Panas' portraiture in 'Falling from Grace...' is, I believe, about the creation of a modern identity in photography. 
A modern identity is about emotion and relationship, about explicit information and implicit subtlety.  A modern identity means
exposing a person's sense of self, revealing something of an inner life through the portrayal of an un-glamorized outer."

Joseph Lichtenberg, MD, Psychoanalyst


'The Mark of Abel and Falling From Grace consider themes of familial and individual identity, expectations, and the consequence of each.'     
Shaun H. Kelly, Strant Magazine

Dodho Magazine


Photographs by Lydia Panas, Text by Joseph D. Lichtenberg, M.D.
62 Pages, 33 Color Photographs
12 x 11" Soft Cover


Book or Book / Print Set

Limited Edition Book    Edition of 75
Book + Print Set    Edition of 25

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